Project carrier
Alstom Belgium
AW Technical Center Europe
Université Catholique de Louvain
ALX Systems

The evolution of industrial systems towards wider connectivity makes them more vulnerable to the threat of cyber attacks. Within the context of the European digital single market, European regulations in terms of cybersecurity have recently been adapted to boost the confidence of customers.

For essential infrastructures, it is planned that cybersecurity certification will become compulsory in the long run. Customers of companies supplying connected industrial systems are already requesting that cybersecurity tests be carried out by independent organisations. The CYRUS project constitutes the first phase of an ambitious project aimed at developing and setting up, in Wallonia, a cybersecurity testing laboratory dedicated to CPS systems (Cyber Physical System) which are being developed and used in all areas of industry. This project falls within the strategy of the new CPSET innovation platform currently being launched, that is dedicated to Cyber-Physical Systems in the areas of Energy conversion and Transport.